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Our collective fascination with hair is focused mainly on hair growth, hair types and hair care. Hair is important to us, as evidenced by the millions of hair care products on the market. In this proj ...

This project deals with deflection and elasticity.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to downloa ...

People spend so much time and effort trying to look younger. Many an aging beauty longs for a Fountain of Youth. In fact, a recent internet keyword search for “anti-aging products” turned out nearly 6 ...

Devise a questionnaire to determine a person's aptitude in the field of physics. The goals of this project are: To explore the thinking patterns of physicists. To discover new ways of mea ...

A magnetometer measures the strength and direction of magnetic fields. Its uses include detecting things submerged underground like archeological sites, shipwrecks and buried metal objects. It is also ...

This project involves experiments with soap.The goals of this project are: To identify the active ingredients in soap. To experiment with the properties of soap.It is an educational content by educati ...

Origami is an ancient Japanese art form that’s wildly popular among the arts & crafts crowd.But most of us don’t realize that techniques used in standard origami folding have aided the design and deve ...

Test people's ability to distinguish between natural and artificial aromatherapy oils.The goals of this project are: To explore the field of aromatherapy. To devise a valid experimental test of aromat ...

Design and build a working slide projector. The goals of this project are: To design a fully functional mechanical invention. To create an interesting visual display.It is an educational content by ed ...

Trees use leaves to store water and nutrients. We appreciate leaves for their natural beauty, their nutritional value, the cool shade they provide on hot summer days, and the fun we have jumping from ...